Reading through American History
I believe that stories that touch the heart are the key to connecting children with the past. We are learning history through literature and invite you to join our journey through major events in American History this year. I will be planning one theme each month (The Pony Express, The Underground Railroad, The Boston Tea

Homeschool Styles (nope, not your clothes)
Don’t fall into the trap of picking one homeschooling type; create a homeschool that works for you and your family.

Homeschool Rooms
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All or Nothing Homeschooler
Sometimes we get so caught up in planning, we forget to get started. Start where you are, don’t wait for the perfect plan to come together.

easy math games
Need a few ideas for easy and fun math practice? Keep a math game bin ready for many card and dice games!

Don’t Break The Ice
In this blog, you will learn several ways to use this old game in fun, educational ways.