We are a homeschooling robotics club who decided to make the oceans more explorable by tackling the pollution problem. With so many existing solutions out there, we found that the biggest problem they all face is funding! That’s when we came up with the idea of eco-friendly lemonade stand products for people to buy and support their causes and ours!
We know that there are other eco friendly options you can buy, but here is why Ocean LemonAid kits are the best:
*Every Ocean LemonAid Kit purchase helps fund ocean clean-up projects, even if its used for lemonade stands for other causes!
*The cups are better for the environment, so your lemonade stand will not contribute to the pollution problem, even if the customer decides to litter!
*Every Ocean LemonAid cup has a QR Code that takes people to our website to help provide education about the ocean clean-ups we help fund and give them another opportunity to donate.