To make our homeschool work for us, I borrow from many different educational philosophies. As most homeschool parents do, my initial year of homeschooling was school-at-home; workbooks, curricula and all. My poor kindergartener let me know fairly quickly that our life was not going to work like that! I aim to balance screen time with time in nature, learn history through stories, learn through play whenever possible, and throw in games as much as possible!
I love Charlotte Mason and Montessori methods, as well as some classical education ideas. I was shocked to find us deep in unschooling at one point and learned so much about that philosophy…it is nothing like I imagined! Unit studies are our favorite along with routine instead of schedule. We love flexibility, but also to have some structure.
I will dive into the different aspects of our eclectic homeschool on the blog so you can easily search and filter by keywords!